Special educational needs and disabilities

 Inclusive care and support for children and families

Schorne Pre-School is an inclusive setting. We are able to support children with SEND and their families through SEN support plans.

We meet regularly with parents and any other professionals involved in a child's care. We have additional support from the Buckinghamshire Early Years who are able to assess the individual needs of the child, working alongside the pre-school.

We plan activities for all children individually to meet their needs. Each child is assigned a key worker but they are also supported by all of the other staff members.

We have a SENCO at our setting who attends regular training and network meetings along with SENCOs from other settings and SEND professionals. This information is then passed onto the rest of the team. The SENCO and Manager work together to provide the best care for each child.

Our staff have attended a wide range of courses and training is up to date. We are able to attend training in any area that would support a child and enable them to attend our setting. We have experience of attending to the additional needs of a looked after child and their carers, from fostering through to adoption.

We have also had some medical training in the following areas:

  • Allergies and the use of Epi Pens.
  • Stoma bag.
  • Diabetes and insulin Pens.

Home visits are offered and visits to the Pre-School are welcomed.

SEND needs met

  • Autism
  • Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
  • Hearing
  • Communication and interaction
  • Sensory and physical needs
  • Cognition and learning
  • Visual

SENCO contact

Christine Lucas (christine.lucas@schornepreschool.com)

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